Why can't I post comments?

When I try to post a comment, it says "draft not found", and then doesn't post it. What?
Best Answer
The forum seems to automatically save a draft intermittently which is submitted when you post your comment.
It might be something to do with your browser, its caching or cookie settings. I would check that first to ensure it is not preventing drafts being saved.
An ad blocker or script blocker may be interfering. Check that this forum is whitelisted.
It could also be a problem server side.
I do not have much insight into how the website operates under the hood. A mod or admin would likely be more help and may be able to directly fix your problem.
@JuliusVercelli is this the same problem?
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I also had this issue a few days ago, but it seems to be fixed for me.
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yes, it is.
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I just got the following error message followed by the "Draft not saved" message.
CommentModel::getDiscussionThreadOffset(): Argument #1 ($commentRowOrCommentID) must be of type object[array int, string given, called in /applications/vanilla/controllers/class.postcontroller.php on line 952
I hope posting it can help fix the issue.
Edit: This was the thread. I still cannot post there, and my draft disappears when I reload the page.
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This has been happening to me too!
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CommentModel::getDiscussionThreadOffset(): Argument #1 ($commentRowOrCommentID) must be of type object|array|int, string given, called in /applications/vanilla/controllers/class.postcontroller.php on line 952
I tried to post a comment on the favourite types poll, but this appeared. I tried again and it said draft not found.