Connection issues after server maintenace 7/23?

When I logged in earlier today, I saw the standard “performing server maintenance” message with the standard disclaimer about instability/issues/etc.
Since then (no maintenance warning on log in) I’ve had 5 matches with reconnecting issues after ~2-3 weeks without one. (Last 2-3 weeks include 5G, multiple WiFi, Cell Data etc)
All of the matches with reconnecting issues go into the same infinite loop where the game says “reconnecting” but given any number of minutes (I’ve waited as long as 15) the game does not reestablish connection.
This wouldn’t be an issue other than the game basically hangs when “reconnecting” and the only way to proceed is to concede the match. I’ve never let one time out, because quite honestly, 20 minutes of my time is worth more than the point delta on losing - so I’m not sure what happens if the match times out.
Understandably, resolution of connection issues towards a loss is the easy way to prevent abuse of the game - “oh I’m losing, let me turn off WiFi” - but at the same time, that punishes both parties. There should really be a “no call” in favor of the party who does not lose comms, and a loss called towards the party who does lose comms.
Basically, should really assess how lost comms are handled, because there’s no reason that the game can’t detect (be made to detect) which side lost comms with the server, consider the side that lost comms first the offending party, if comms aren’t reistablished, they take a loss, and the party still connected gets a “no call” (basically +/-0). (Worth noting that this system has no change for the party who loses connection first, meaning that someone who voluntarily loses connection takes the loss if they don’t reconnect. This change would only net-zero the penalty towards the player who remains connected*)
*(the edge case here is that someone who accidentally loses connection is penalized for losing connection, which is no different than the current system for that player - there’s just no penalty for their opponent)
Or all of the above is irrelevant because nothing changed today, my connection is terrible, and I’m ranting on the internet. (This started as a post about “new” connection issues and ended as a full blown “this is how this should work” about resolution of matches where there are connection issues)