What Pokémon gen was your least favorite in terms of Pokémon art design?

I’m talking of course about the Pokémon themselves, ignoring the gameplay itself Every generation does have its ups and downs, but for me, Gen 3 is mostly a miss for me, with Shelgon being the worst imo.
gen 4 has a lot of misses especially the cross gen evolutions. like put rhyperior next to rhydon, rhyperior loses its ears, looks bald, has a hole in its hand, its horn becomes a nose, has a second horn on top of that for no reason, and it loses its chest plate to look fat with a belt instead
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@Flametix I was thinking gen 4. Or maybe gen 6. I think a lot of that generation is largely unremarkable.
Every generation has its standout successes and failures, though.
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I actually completely disagree in regards to gen 4. Some of my favorite Pokémon designs are gen 4, such as Shinx, Infernape, Empoleon, Buizel, and Lucario.
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Though I did like some of the "regional forms", I think Gen 9 as a hole (pun intended), was a flop.
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I don't like Gen 9
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@MagicarpFisher9 you mean Paldean Pooper 🚽 🙃
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@JuliusVercelli i agree
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No @NoahLaprasForum, I meant more like Toedscruel.