Pokémon is not balanced game play anymore.

The game has basically lost its balance, no game should be dealer based you will always see a better metric in real game play compared to the
Simulated garbage dishing cards out is random trash designed to keep you buying more.
yeah i don’t like that only meta can win
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I have seen this post time and time again. "Oh, the meta isn't fair! Only meta decks can win! Charizard is such an infuriating and stupid deck!" A card game will naturally develop a meta. Any game. Some decks will end up being better than others, that is just the way it goes. This is not unbalanced gameplay at all. That is just what happens. now here, you are speaking more about the RNG not being in your favor. I have also seen a lot of this. If you post your list, then the people here can help you improve it. That said, I know from experience that you will not post your list, for whatever reason you may have. That is fine, but just be aware that we can help you build a better and more consistent deck if you let us help you. If you'd rather just not play a game that you need luck for, that is fine, but you will be hard-pressed to find a game that you need zero luck for. So… Chess.
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Why go through all of that? Whos to say that he doesnt know how to set his deck. An other then trying to give someone advice on POSSIBLY changing a cpl cards around in their deck, not ultimately going to change anything. I am not top ranked pro player, BUT i know how to set my deck. Theres so many different combinations that can be used. Some better then others. But its all luck of the draw. But this online game definitely needs some fine tuning.
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@Perfect_Jab Obviously they are complaining about not drawing the cards they need. Now, they could have a strong deck and just have terrible luck, or they could have a deck that needs a bit more consistency built into it. I am not stating that either one is true, I am just giving him the option to post his deck so we can take a look at it and possibly help make it easier to draw good cards.
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@OlderAngel11 i understand what your saying, but hes not talking so much about bad luck its more about these decks that basically wipe you out before you can take a second turn. I get his fustration with both, bad draw luck and these overpowered decks. Have to force quit 10 matches before i get to actually play a good round thats actually enjoyable. Winning the coin toss determines who will win. Then i go through 5 or 6 matches where i keep getting dealt garbage hands. Then some where i finally get decent draw an the other player quits right away. Just kills any fun.
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@OlderAngel11 i understand what your saying, but hes not talking so much about bad luck its more about these decks that basically wipe you out before you can take a second turn. I get his fustration with both, bad draw luck and these overpowered decks. Have to force quit 10 matches before i get to actually play a good round thats actually enjoyable. Winning the coin toss determines who will win. Then i go through 5 or 6 matches where i keep getting dealt garbage hands. Then some where i finally get decent draw an the other player quits right away. Just kills any fun.
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I understand that you might feel frustration against other, more powerful decks, but like I stated earlier, every TCG is going to have a meta develop. You might not like it, but that is the way it is. As for players quitting right away, that I cannot help you with.
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The problem is your forced to play a meta deck if you want a chance to actually play most of the time. My fustration is force quitting 10 matches before i can even play a decent match. No fun there. Just gets old. Past 3 days i had 1 fun good match that came down to the very end. The rng sucks in this game. There needs to be more then just ladder an casual or something.
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@Perfect_Jab Yes, I understand that frustration, but casual is a great format to play if you don't want to match into meta decks. There used to be a format in Online that was kinda like GLC, but they took that away for some reason. And, again, I can't help you if you aren't satisfied with the rng.