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Ogerpon issues

so I’m deeply saddened by this TCG live I’ve pulled at least 8 teal mask ogerpons it say I have four available but won’t let me add more than 2 to any deck…. Has anyone else experienced this nonsense???? also my cornerstone ogerpon keeps getting knocked out by opponents with abilities even though it has no weakness to them and no special cards or items why what’s the deal????? And which my ogerpons I can’t get the damage counters to hit above 150 even though I’ve added multiple 5 leaf energy’sa bravery charm etc ????? It’s very upsetting? How do I fix these issues…..


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,597 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 500 Likes 500 Agrees 250 LOLs

    You can't have more the 4 copies of the same card except regular energies.

    You probably can't add more then 2 to your deck because you may have diff arts, if you choose a diff art you should be able to add 4 copies to your deck.

    About the damage to the Cornerstone Ogerpon ex, you have have to provide more info about your opponent setup... there are actack that ignore abilities and so on.

  • REDZED79
    REDZED79 Member Posts: 0

    I just came out of a game against Stella Crown Crabominable and Veluza. I’m assuming the rule “ignores effects on your opponents active Pokémon” includes abilities, which is why Veluza could attack