legal cards banned in expanded format?

trying to build an expanded deck that uses some old cards: Guzma, Guzma&Hala, Wally, Vs Seeker, and Muscle Band. but for some reason the game is saying that VS Seeker, Muscle Band and Wally are banned cards in expanded but they are not on the official ban list. is this a bug? why would the cards be in the game if not useable in expanded?
Best Answer
TCG Live current Expanded is only cards from "Sun & Moon" to now, so unless an older set card was reprinted you can't use them for now.
Thats upsetting I got the Blastoise v deck n can't use a single card in it
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Eventually they will implement the full expanded format, at least they announced they will (who knows when exactly tho):
Letter to the Community | 08-07-2023:
"...Products from older Pokémon TCG expansions will continue to be added to the shop as the game updates to support more Expanded format cards. We’re excited to begin taking these next steps to bring the full Expanded format play experience to Pokémon TCG Live!"