Leafy Camo Poncho is not working Properly

I just don't know how to report a bug. Therefore let me just express my experience. I was playing an Arceus Chansey deck. Whenever Arceus Vstar was on the bench and my opponent tried to gust it out they couldn't gust due to the effect of that tool attached to it. However, they can gust other Pokemon if Vstar or Vmax Pokemon this tool is attached to is in the active spot. which is a contradiction of the text written in that tool. For the record, the card was functioning just before the release of Twilight Masquerade.
The card is working properly, it states "...to the pokemon this card is attached to" and boss's orders states "switch one of your opponent's bench pokemon to the active spot". So, if the card in the active position has the tool attached but not the pokemon being bossed up, it'll work, because boss technically only affects the benched mon, never the active. But if they tried to boss a vmax or vstar bench pokemon with the tool attached it would be blocked
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It's working properly. It just doesn't work the way you want it to work. As stated above, Boss affects the Pokémon on the bench, not the one in the active, so having it on the active Pokémon does nothing (and it would be one of the strongest tools ever printed if it worked both ways like you thought). If you think it worked on the active previously, you're mistaken.
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The Poncho definitely used to work previously in the way OP described. I used to use it all the time on my Vulpix Vstar and it used to prevent people from switching it out of my active spot with Boss’s Orders. Since the last update, it doesn’t work that way anymore