Silly bugs make the game extremely frustrating.

It's amazing how many silly bugs there are in the game. Apart from that it is a complete Russian roulette playing now with the starting game bug, when you manage to find a game there is always something that goes wrong.
I was in a game against the new deck that attacks double, I had the game won and just by clicking on an opponent's card and he passed turn while I was watching the card, the game got stuck and would not let me close the display of the card. Goodbye winning streak and points.
It is not the first time this happens to me, I thought it was a punctual error, like this there are other small bugs with in-game interactions that "manage to solve" during the game, but they are always frustrating.
This post is only written due to the frustration of going through these bugs in the game.
It is fun trying to figure out how these new bugs even come to be. As a developer, it blows my mind to see the exact nature of some of the bugs, and I really cannot figure out how some of these even happen. It points to PTCGL being full of what is called "spaghetti code". The unfortunate reality of that is that every new release will have more bugs than the one before. So buckle up for a fun ride!