Turbo energy bug

Without -20 on tera greninja ex Mirage Barrage and wellspring mask ex torrential pump
To clarify - Double Turbo Energy should reduce all damage from the attacks of both Tera Greninja EX and Wellspring Mask Ogerpon EX by 20, as damage of attacks is calculated before effects of attacks occur. I can confirm this damage reduction is currently not happening in PTCG Live for Wellspring Mask Ogerpon EX, but have personally not tried Tera Greninja EX.
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On both pokemon the moves states removing the energy before dealing any damage, so the debuff from dte is removed
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I think the counterpoint here is the example of Medicham V. You could attach a Double Turbo energy on Medicham to get the 20 damage effect for Yoga Loop to work. I therefore believe that Greninja Ex and the Mirage Barrage attack are indeed working as intended.
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@NMcBNZ502365 This is a terrible example and just doesn't make sense. Medicham is an entirely different case as it places damage counters instead of doing damage, so DTE shouldn't reduce anything.
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Can confirm this error with Greninja ex where the damage reduction isn't being applied. And yes, the official ruling from Japan is pretty clear on this, explicitly stating that the -20 should be applied.
[quote]Q: ゲッコウガexのワザ「ぶんしんれんだ」を使い、ゲッコウガexについている「ダブルターボエネルギー」をトラッシュする場合、「ダブルターボエネルギー」の効果でダメージを「-20」するのと、ワザ「ぶんしんれんだ」の効果で「ダブルターボエネルギー」をトラッシュするのとでは、どちらを先におこないますか?
A: 先に、「ダブルターボエネルギー」の効果でダメージを「-20」します。[/quote]
This is a honestly a flaw in the English card wording, since it's implying an incorrect order of operations. I can see how they got there from the Japanese card text, but the important difference here is that the Japanese wording puts it all in one sentence (implying it happens simultaneously), rather than in separate sentences like the English wording does.
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The rulebook in the "all attack details" section in point B says that it applies attack modification or cancellation effects, but I think it refers to effects on the same Pokémon due to an attack it received the previous turn. I think this because as you continue reading at point F the final damage is calculated and this point is broken down right below.
In this breakdown it says in point 2 "Calculate the damage effects on your Active Pokémon based on the Trainer cards or any other relevant effect", but it is only in point 5 where energy modifications are only considered, including after calculating weakness and resistance and just before putting the damage counters to end the attack.
For all this, what I see is that in the calculation of step F5, the DTE has already been discarded for a couple of minutes.
(excuse my English but in Spanish I did not find this topic interesting)0 -
There is an older ruling about the Mind Blown attack on Blacephalon GX that is related. It deals with damage increase, instead of reduction, but the logic & sequencing should be the same.
Q - If Blacephalon GX uses its "Mind Blown" attack to discard a Beast Energy as one of the Fire Energy discarded, does it still get the +30 damage bonus from Beast Energy?
A - Yes, it does. The energy cards are chosen, then Damage is calculated before the cards are sent to the Lost Zone.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2018-11-01)