Keldeo and Cobalion are bugged.

Keldeo's Four as One attack says if you have the other 3 pokemon in the bench it'll do 170 more damage. I've tested this several times while having them all on the bench Keldeo never gets the bonus damage.
As for Cobalion, his Follow Up attack says select 2 pokemon on the bench and attach one basic energy to each of them from the deck. No matter if you one or two pokemon when it shows you the energies in the deck it always says "Select 0 energy to attach" effectively nullifying the effect. Also tested this several times I can never attach a basic energy from the deck to any pokemon
I am running a deck with these cards as well and it still has not been fixed. I cannot properly test it due to these very vital bugs.
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Saw the same while building a similar deck. Cobalion's attacks allow for you to select two benched pokemon as intended after the attack, but you're allowed to attach 0 basic energy to them in the following screen (showed me all the fighting and water energies in my deck, but didn't let me select any). Tried this a few times during a match to make sure I hadn't just misunderstood the UI, but with no luck