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heartgold and soulsilver are the worst pokemon games

CakeEllie Member Posts: 11
5 Likes First Answer Photogenic First Comment

they're a genuine pain to go through with their um
how do i put it
beautiful level curve that feels as good to go through as sleeping on the hot side of the blanket
my favourite part of my heartgold experience was going back to the 3ds home menu after i beat red at mount silver (i gave up using my team so i just went with the kid on showdown:tm: team)



  • CakeEllie
    CakeEllie Member Posts: 11
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    by the way i think brilliant diamond and shining pearl were better remakes than hgss

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    there are worse

    (detective pikachu returns)

  • CakeEllie
    CakeEllie Member Posts: 11
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    i forgot to mention im talking about mainline pokemon games

  • Krookodileking8
    Krookodileking8 Member Posts: 20
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    I have never played heartgold soulsilver but I play gold and its good

  • Krookodileking8
    Krookodileking8 Member Posts: 20
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    People look like they have genuine fun when playing them.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I have played every game from the DS to the Switch (with the exception of original DP which I own but don't play), and a few GBA games. Sorry you're too bad at video games to appreciate one of the biggest Pokémon games ever that has two regions, walking all Pokémon with shinies visible, multiple non-battle minigames to entertain you, the coolest boss fight in all of Pokémon, two legendaries available in both versions, little sidequests that could easily make you play the game for 200 hours without getting bored, and more. And how did you find the game hard? Emerald, DP, I could understand, but HGSS is just a normal difficulty until post-game.

    And BDSP is better? This is quite obviously written by a little kid who probably started Pokémon on the Nintendo Switch and expects old games to be in full 720p 3D with forced baby mode and exp. Candies/share. I'd rather sit and grind for hours in Platinum than play those games again. All they added was 3D, the Fairy type, and forced Exp. Share. Can't forget the gazillion glitches that were the only reason I ever played these awful remakes-in-name-only after post-game. They actually removed so many of the few things I love in DPPt too, like actually good Secret bases and not having to pay an online subscription to transfer your Pokémon.

    This discussion is probably rage bait. No way there exists someone who could praise those wastes of a possible remake. At least we got PLA.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I wrote a long post explaining exactly why HGSS is one of the best games in the franchise, the best remake in the series, and how to get the most out of it.

    But apparently it got memory holed, so you'll have to take my word for it.

    Great discussion, everyone.

  • CakeEllie
    CakeEllie Member Posts: 11
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    it's funny because while i did start on the nintendo switch i also havent touched those games in a trillion years now and just only really play the older titles on my nintendo 3ds, also i dont really expect pokemon games to be in full perfect pristine clear quality with all those qol, especially as my favourite gen is literally 5 alongside 6
    bdsp are also not my favourite remakes (oras are) and i do think the switch games are overall
    kinda mid
    and as for the rest, idrk what i was supposed to be doing in hgss, i literally battled every trainer i was able to find on the map, so unless i was supposed to be grinding for hours (my experience), i really wanna know how all this people had no problems. two regions also doesnt really matter if both regions feel lackluster as fuck
    without the grinding imma tell you the johto part would have lasted 10 hours at best if we really really really wanna be kind with it
    i also had a lot more fun doing "lil side quests and stuff" on pokemon white 2, especially since they offered some very fun stuff, like white treehollow which is just chefs kiss. you're just assuming that i must absolutely love the switch games which i really dont since they have 1. mostly poor graphics (gen 5 has the best graphics in the whole franchise) 2. much weaker postgame 3. literally less pokemon than gen 7 and i spend far more money for far less content. stop assuming stuff just because you have a preference i dont share, typical pokemon fans

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    by the way i think brilliant diamond and shining pearl were better remakes than hgss

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but let's not lose our heads here.

    I think you might be approaching the games with the wrong mindset. Are you attempting to charge through the main game with zero diversions and without interacting with the side content?

    The original versions, GSC, were designed in a different era in gaming, although ironically the model somewhat resembles an MMO or even a modern live service game, with daily quests the player is expected to log in regularly and at certain times to complete.

    The real-time clock was a novel feature back in the day, as you could not depend on a clock even in a home console. Along with a day-night cycle, it also meant that the game could follow the days of the week.

    And all at the cost of reducing the life of the battery backing the save on your cartridge by decades.

    But anyway, GSC weren't meant to be games you played in one sitting. They were a Pokémon lifestyle. Part of your day. Go join the bug catching event on Tuesday. Get a Moon Stone from the rock the Clefairy dance around at Mt. Moon on a Monday (get it? 月曜日? Moonday?) night. That sort of thing.

    Make it a part of your week. Make it part of your day. Chip away at the game, smell the roses, and work through the story little by little.

    In an era of speed runs, Tweets and Tik Toks, quick, disposable, bite-sized entertainment that grabs your attention only to forget it within the hour, this idea may seem archaic. Slow. Laborious.

    But it has its own charm. It is a world that you visit and enjoy. That stays with you, and you savour the experience.

    HGSS got even better. Not only did they retain all the previous content. Not only did they update the graphics and the character designs. Not only did they add modern features (for the time) like the brand new online play and GTS. Not only did they add the complete gen 4 Pokédex. At the time that was all expected for a remake.

    We got follow Pokémon, a beloved feature people have long clamoured to make the standard. We got more post game, including insight into Silver and Giovanni's backstory. We got the Pokéwalker (another source of rare Pokémon and resources you can add to your daily real-life routine and help with your adventure).

    They added so much that the developers started questioning whether it was too much. But they gave it to us anyway.

    Contrast that with BDSP. Art style is subjective, so maybe the chibi characters and depth blur do it for you. Let's put that aspect aside. But THAT game is a terrible, lazy remake.

    Gamefreak didn't have time or couldn't be bothered to make it themselves, so it was pawned off to a mobile app developer.

    The game not only includes all the bugs from the original release, but added new ones.

    It did not add new Pokémon from the generations following the original's release, and did not even include the story content from Platinum.

    Then, to ruin any sense of challenge a remake replicating the original experience might have had, they added the forced exp. share mechanic from the modern games, and didn't even attempt to shift the Pokémon or trainer levels throughout the game to accommodate it, beyond Cynthia.

    Gen 4, especially DP, were criticised for being slow. BDSP overcompensates horrendously to the point that the game becomes a mindless slog that you just breeze through.

    To make it worse, the latest games in the world's highest grossing media franchise couldn't even spring for the larger Switch cartridges. The game comes with low quality music files on the cartridge, and expects you to download a 3.5 GB update to install the larger, high quality music files to your Switch's memory on day one.

    You lose internal storage space and are required to have an internet to enjoy the best version of the single player story. If you don't have access to the internet, or as is probably the case for many children, your parents don't let you access it, you get the worst version of the game.

    BDSP is cheap, lazy and defective. It is the antithesis of HGSS, the best Pokémon remake we ever received, released during the series' best era.

    I pray that we may one day return to the design philosphies and attitudes of the Pokémon franchise that gave us HGSS, and that fans and customers demand better, so that we may never again see the likes of BDSP.

  • MagicarpFisher9
    MagicarpFisher9 Member Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
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    I disagree. HG was the best!