Used Metang's Metal Maker and encountered tons of bugs

Playing the Dialga VSTAR Metang deck, the first metal maker or two were working fine but on the third one, all sorts of weird things started happening.
First, the animation took a long time to finish. Then a stack of cards face down started appearing over my discard pile.
After, I drew a metang for turn (which appeared to come from that extra stack). I then used metal maker and it somehow took that metang out of my hand and shuffled it into my deck???
After that I appeared to have a whole bunch of issues with displaying card art correct / desynched from what the card actually was. Metal Maker kept showing me 1 or 2 blank spots instead of actual cards. Ultra ball showed me a deck full of blank cards.
My absolute favorite interaction was when I used my opponents Pokestop and it discarded my prime catcher but put a Boss's orders into my hand (the game log said the boss was a super rod).
On the last turn of the game I drew a "second copy" of prime catcher (the first still in the discard from that pokestop) and the second copy got lumped behind metal energy in my hand.
All in all it was a very funny game, made even funnier because I won it haha