Your Steel Type Gym and Pokemon

If you were an Steel type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your Pokémon be.
My team would consist of Klinklang, Aggron, Aegislash, Empoleon, Metagross, and Archaludon. I would be Skyscraper Architect and the chalandge would be to get to me. I would be at the top of a unfinished building and you will need to get to the top. Workers on the sight will battle you in an attempt to keep you from disturbing me.
This is the 13th installment in this series. The previous types that we have done include Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Fighting, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, and Dark. Make sure to go back and comment on those if you missed them!
Metagross, Lucario, Bronzong, Magnezone, Scizor and Skarmory
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i will be the first gym leader and i will have 6 durants with their hidden ability truant my gym challenge would be to swing in metal cylanders by shaking your controller til they connect with the rest of the route unless you connect to the wrong one and half to battle a trainer with a single durant but my gym leader skills will really show in the rematch where i would have togedemaru with perish song and encore a level 100 kingambit as my last pokemon with supreme overlord guilatine kleaveton klow and throat chop i will have a lucario an empoleon that knows rain dance an archualadon and a gholdengo this will be a double battle with my empoleon and archualadon being the first pokemon out
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Obviously, I'd be the first gym, as Steel is generally higher-up, and I want to give a little early-game challenge. Basically, it's a Military Base. You'd have to go through an obstacle course to battle me, which would be pretty fun. My team would only have 3 Pokemon, since it's the first Gym.
Once you win, you'd get the Booster Badge, which would basically just be a Purple Heart award.