Spamming the emotes

Hi, I was just playing a game on the casual ladder and I was paired against someone trying to make a glaceon stall deck type thing. About half way through the game they started aggressively using the thumbs down emote at me for playing the game. I was using a deck with the Bellosom from Obsidian Flames (OBF 003), so while I couldn't do any damage with my Bellosom, I could use my first attack to sleep them, and then try for the ko on the following turn. When I had 3 prizes left, I went to my last two cards in deck and started using the recycling dudunsparce tech to not deck out using their run away draw ability, and took the last two prizes. When it got to my last prize however the user started using the emote even more aggressively to the point it started slowing down my game when I was using game actions, and so timed me out while trying to resolve my run away draw ability so I didn't deck out. The dudunsparce remained on the side trying to resolve as they used their attack to end turn and then the game claimed I was decked out because my ability never resolved I assume.
Normally I wouldn't care too much about this sort of thing but they actively used it to break my game and loose me the game and I think it's a very messed up abuse of the game so I was wondering how best to report the situation.
Any advice would be appreciated, and thanks very much.