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Rotom V Malfunctioning

OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
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I don't usually have a problem with bugs and stuff, but this one nearly drove me up the wall today. Here's the scenario: The opponent has a Rotom V on the bench, with no tools attached to it. I play prime catcher, move my Charizard ex into the active spot, while trying to gust up the Rotom. I cannot grab the Rotom. I can't even click on the Rotom, so I am forced to select a Charmander, which gives me a huge prize disadvantage and eventually causes me to lose the game. Not only do I lose the game, but I get negative rank points, dropping me from Ho-oh to Azelf league! For the entire rest of the game I was unable to view the Rotom at a larger scale or gust it up. The Rotom was— from my POV— on the leftmost bench position. There was nothing in play that would stop me from gusting the Rotom specifically, as I was still able to grab a Charmander. Please fix this immediately. I don't know if this was just a one-time buggy thing, but if it wasn't, then it needs immediate attention.