BUG Doble energía turbo

Hay un bug enorme en el ataque de Cinccino donde no reconoce la Doble energía turbo como 2 energías.
This isn't a bug, read the effect of Cinccino's Energy Roll attack again…
This attack does 70 damage for each Special Energy card attached to this Pokémon.
The attack's damage is dictated by the number of Energy cards attached to Cinccino, not the number of Energy units it has attached to it. Double Turbo Energy provides two Energy units but it counts as one Energy card.
But I can see where the confusion comes from, a lot of attacks that rely on the amount of Energy for additional effects have texts like "discard two Energy" or "..times the amount of Energy attached…" and that's decided by Energy units.
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For confused readers who don't understand spanish, it's about double turbo energy and the TEF cinccino's attack. as far as i'm aware the attack is working as intended though as the attack text seems to suggest it's 70 damage per each attached special energy card - so double turbo energy counts as 1 for the purpose of the multiplier.
unless there are two of them attached and only one is counting toward the damage. then that would be a bug.