Shiny Redesigns #1

Welcome to Shiny Redesigns a brand new post series where I explain how I would redesign shinies
Episode 1 Kanto Starters
Bulbasaur - Bulbasaur is perfect as is, the one thing that I would change is to make the spots purple since its a poison type
Ivysaur and Venusaur- Making the yellow bulb purple and purple spots, I don't like the Ivyasaur and Venusaur shinies so making them purple would be really good
Charizard line - I really like the Gen 2 shiny for Charizard, it's purple and green, and it looks really cool! I like shiny Charizard as is but Charmander and Charmeleon need some fixes, so making them all the charizard shiny in gen 2 would be perfection
Squirtle line - Make Blastoise more of a vibrant green and purple and then give that to Squirtle and Wartortle, it looks great!
Yes I know that they are all green and purple, I think it works well on them and some other lines
Please let me know what Pokemon you want me to do next!
Sometimes I forget Bulbasaur is a poison type
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@Eremas there are gold shinies. We have Goldude, Goldix, and Goldzor.🤣