Pokemon Stuck Floating After Clicking Attack, Turn Times Out

Same as title. I click an attack on my pokemon, the card floats in the air and I cannot take any other actions. The attack doesn't go through, my turn times out, and my card is still floating on my board. Even throughout my opponents turn, my active card continues to hover on the right side of the board. The only way I can take an action when it comes back to my turn is by the opponent bossing my pokemon, or by using a switch or escape rope. Almost lost a game because my attacks wouldn't go through and my turns kept timing out. Finally after the 4th turn of this happening, I got a switch and was able to stop my active card from floating with that, and my attack actually went through without the floating-timing out bug. First game this has happened to me, but very frustrating.
Same thing just happened to me on my very first match... Kind of disheartening.