Shiny Hunt Recommendations

I've been wanting to get into shiny hunting but I don't really know what to hunt for
I only have the shiny charm in Legends Arceus
I'm currently hunting the shiny starters in Heartgold whilst watching reuploads of the Smallant shiny only stream (each one is about 6 hours)
What should I hunt next?
@clasingla I have a problem in that game, I have more than a box full of shinies, I think 41 (I transferred a stunky to scarlet because I hadn't caught it yet so I would have an extra it just couldn't go back
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A starter in Pokémon Sun and Moon. It's definitely, totally, absolutely, 100% fun and quick. One of the least annoying shiny hunts of all time (I've shiny hunted Rowlet since the beginning of the year and I still don't have it each reset takes like five minutes at least instead of the usual one or less for other shinies).
Maybe soft resetting for something in an Ultra Wormhole would be fun. It's just a normal soft reset shiny hunt so it shouldn't need too much focus, and you can just pick any Legendary you want as long as it's available in your version.
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@UnovanZorua Can you not save right before choosing a starter? I also don't have a copy of Ultra Sun (the one with better exclusives) and I'm using my Ultra Moon for my Wonderlocke (I'm only just at the electric trial and already have 11 deaths) though I did try that around Christmas, I spent over 10 hours hunting and only got a Sigilyph and two Abomosnow one of which I killed
I am currently going back in forth between my Wonderlocke, shiny hunt, completing the Pokedex in S/V (Except a few exclusives), and I'm going to take @clasingla's advice and do some Legends Arceus, Maybe I should also hunt for a starter in my legit Diamond (I am playing Heartgold on my Ace Card since it's too expensive)
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@clasingla I don't really open card packs anymore stopped early into Sword/Shield, honestly I'd love to because I love the art but I'd rather just wait until I'm older and can buy it with my own money (Likely when I'm 18-20)
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The last time you can save before getting a starter is on the bridge before you leave with Lillie, before meeting the Kahuna. And then the cutscene and dialogue and everything takes ages. I used to love Sun and Moon's scenes despite them being really long but I think I'm starting to understand the people who dislike it for that reason (it's still one of the best games ever).
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@UnovanZorua I have the perfect plan for you
Grab every single console that you own that can play Pokemon and then go back in forth in hunts
I have 2 3DS 2 Ds and a GBA and I can grind against Pokemon for my nuzlocke whilst hunting Treecko Chimchar Fenniken and the Johto Starters (Totodile preferably) it is a perfect method that I started yesterday whilst watching a Smallant stream
I might even get a 50 dollar 3ds with a few games including another copy of X