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Penalizing AFKers

AFKers who stop playing the moment they think they've lost and let the timer run out are incredibly fristrating and waste a lot of time for people who have the decency to play it out or concede. Are there any plans in place to penalize people who abuse the lack of penalty? I'd love to see them locked out of matchmaking for 10-15 minutes after losing due to inactivity, or to not get the rewards for the match at all.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Every multiplayer video game deals with this issue, but it is perhaps most frustrating for turn based games, like card games, where games tend to be longer and control is actively taken away from all but one player while they take their turn, presenting the opportunity to "rope".

    I think the best solution would be to have a system in place to detect prolonged inactivity. Each occurance should be a strike against the account.

    It shouldn't immediately ban a player with one offense to avoid affecting players who suffer accidental disconnects or otherwise have to leave the game due to a freak occurrence.

    If a player builds up a certain number of strikes, they could be banned for a period, whether it be 10 minutes, a few hours, or a day.

    Perhaps incurring successive bans could lead to longer bans. Maybe it could eventually result in a permanent ban.

    @PachirisuFan1 I would argue that it does matter. Not only is it bad manners and poor sportsmanship, it actively makes the opponent's game worse.

    We all have connection issues or real life matters that cause us to suddenly step away from a game from time to time. And sometimes, despite our best efforts and intent, we all get a little tilted and want to be a little spiteful to an opponent. We're all human.

    But this describes a consistent pattern of behaviour done deliberately and maliciously. We should take steps to stamp it out.

  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
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    pokemon tcg is 1v1 so that doesn't even apply here....and don't compare a game to assualt???

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Luckily I haven't had this happen much in my TCG experience. I agree with @TheJeffers Sometimes there are important reasons to step away, and sometimes I do want to spite my opponent for beating me up so badly, but we should try to make steps to move people away from doing this. Maybe if the AFK player returns and finds themselves at a a loss due to inactivity, then they should get absolutely no rewards — no credits, coins, etc.— and a friendly reminder to not go AFK again.