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New Eeveelution Coming Out With Z-A?

Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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As to the fact there are, like, 6 different post on the announcement I thought it would just make a new discussion for this.

Since pokemon X&Y were the games that released sylveon then what do you think the chances are of the next eeveelution to come out will be in that game as a dragon type! Personally I think it will happen.



  • Tacolaser
    Tacolaser Member Posts: 707 ✭✭✭
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    What if one of the eveelutions got a Mega evolved form?

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Anything is possible, but if the game is set in the past they will have to explain its absence or presence in modern-era games.

    Perhaps an evolution item that is no longer available?

  • Hey_PIKMIN
    Hey_PIKMIN Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
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    @thejeffers they don’t necessarily need to explain why it doesn’t appear later on, early gens never said anything

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,814 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I don't think that any eeveelutions will get released. TPCI has said that they aren't gonna release anymore.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Previous generations tended to go to new regions and/or depict events later in the Pokémon timeline. You could explain why we hadn't seen those Pokémon before. They didn't exist/hadn't been discovered in previous regions or at the earlier point in time.

    The problem with a prequel set in regions we have seen before is that we will have already seen that region later on in the timeline, so if a Pokémon is missing from a future we have already seen, the game will need to explain why it is absent in that future.

    Perhaps it went extinct or evolved (in the real sense of the word, not the game mechanic) into a different Pokémon.

    In the case of Eevee, which needs certain items or conditions to evolve (in Pokémon terms) perhaps those items or conditions no longer exist in the modern Kalos we saw in XY.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    This happens every new gen, people always expect a new Eeveelution. We got Penny, who could've been a perfect way to introduce a new Eeveelution, in SV, but still nothing new. We got Let's Go, Eevee, we had PLA, all perfect times to introduce a new Eeveelution, but we still got nothing.

    Maybe someday the Dragon type will get an Eeveelution since it's the only special type left without an Eeveelution (Dragon Type moves were all special before gen 4, as physical/special moves depended on the type instead of the move back then. All Eeveelutions are special types, not counting Eevee). I doubt it though because the Dragon type would be a bit too overpowered on an Eevee, for the same reason Charizard isn't a Dragon type.

    They could forget about the special types thing and just give us a Normal type Eeveelution though, since they seem to like defying our expectations recently (the Professors being antagonists who don't give you a starter or are named after plants, champion rival, etc.). It could be cool.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,814 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @UnovanZorua Ordinareon for the normal type Eevee. Or something even more stupid like Eeveon.

  • Eeveeeeeeeee108
    Eeveeeeeeeee108 Member Posts: 2
  • Eeveeeeeeeee108
    Eeveeeeeeeee108 Member Posts: 2

    I think if Pokemon legends z-a is in the future we are getting a dragon type eeveelution, and if it's in the past we are getting a steel type eeveelution, because the screws are old and also it can go either way because steel is stronger then fairy, and fairy is stronger than dragon, so that's why I think we're getting a new eeveelution, and I also wanted an eeveelution since x and y

  • PKM6-6
    PKM6-6 Member Posts: 1
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    i agree with you