About my Vlog Movie.
Battalions Z-A. It will come in 3 Parts: Pokemon X (in Italy and other places since we move soon-ish, maybe 2 years?), Pokemon Y (It's an Artlocke if it was awesome!!!!), And Pokemon Legends Z-A, where I go on a teh epik abenchuru!!! (in lumiose, aka french midgar in Pokemon (hon hon)) There will be 21 shinies in these…
the "Sword and Shield was originally for the 3DS" theory
once I saw a theory online stating that sword and shield were originally made for the 3DS and apparently not enough people know about it so I'm going to share it here so basically gamefreak thought the switch was gonna be a massive failure for whatever reason (and they blame smartphones towards that reason, they think that…
Charizard or pikachu
Which do you prefer: Kommo-o or Feraligatr
Hey Pokemon can you add my pokemon in your next game you can change it to look more like a Pokemon
Where gen 5 remakes supposed to come out before gen 4 remakes
I say this cause in the delta episode zinnia ask you if you do things for ideals or truth which is what zekrom and reshiram represent or do you think this is something game freak pit in the games so fans will be like (gen 5 remakes hinted since oras)
Let’s misspell Bweizel
Best Pokémon OST (in your opinion)
Due to poll size limitations I will only have the remasters soundtrack as an option for games that received them.
Missing search filters
I just tried to create a deck based on a Pokemon's retreat cost. This filter doesn't exist, I had to use resources outside of this game to help me. The following search filters being added would make deck building a lot easier and more fun to do. Retreat cost, attack cost, rarity, and HP.
Bethann Butturirini
guys know comes out a Pokémon legends z-a day. 2024 help