Is the blastiose v deck legal in current format?

I was looking for cards on the Pokemon center website and it popped up. And if it’s legal, is it good? How would I go about deck building?
Blastoise V was rotated, so other cards may be rotated too.
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You can buy decks on the Pokemon Center website which are expired in Standard. Some people buy them to collect or play at home- judges aren’t going to sneak into your living room and issue a double-prize penalty for using out-of-rotation cards!
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Anything marked (E) or earlier is not allowed in Standard (tournament) play. Lots of decks still on the shelves in many stores contain cards which are already phased out (Lycanroc and Corviknight, the Knockout decks, the Mew Battle deck…) At present, if a card is marked with “E” or earlier on the bottom left, it is out of rotation and only legal for Expanded or GLC play.
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It was my first deck actually. It’s a fun starter deck, not super competitive, (it’s not bad either) but I feel like it’s better than most of the other V starter decks. There is also a Blastoise Vmax card you could add to the deck (out of rotation) but it’s kinda hard to come by. If you want a starter deck for about the same price that’s in rotation I’d look into the newer ex starter.
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thanks! These comments were very helpful.