Thoughts on the lack of news for DLC, and the effects it has on Reg E
Regulation D will appear at worlds and 1 US based Regional and 2 foreign Regionals before we enter the last quarter of the year with Regulation E. Reg D was always in a bad position because of it appearing at Worlds to wrap up 2023. Regulation E, however, is in an even worse place on speculation for the competitive scene,…
Weirdest In-Game Pokemon Lore?
We're all here because Pokemon is great and all the characters have detail, but some details... haven't really aged well. The weirdest thing for me is Poliwag. A lot of Pokedex entries talk about it's translucent skin, even going as far as Ruby and Sapphire saying " Poliwag has a very thin skin. It is possible to see the…
What was your first Pokémon game?
I want to see what generation everyone is biased towards. X was my first game, but it was, completed. So the first game I finished was Sun.
If you could have one pokemon as a partner in real life, who would it be and why?
I would choose Litwick, because I love their cute little face, and having a light around is always useful!
Do you play Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire? If so, which starter pokemon of Hoenn d
Which Pokémon do you think is overhated?
Tbh I'll go with Quilladin :(
Fav Shiny
Mine is Umbreon, I just love its colors :] What's yours?
Do you play the Hoenn games? If so, which Hoenn starter did you pick?
Pikachu Talk: Pokemon Forums
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a combee should be able to fly.
It's wings are too small to get its body off the ground. The combee, of course, flies anyway, because pokemon don't care what humans think is impossible.