Ideas For New Pokemon
I've seen lots of cool ideas for new pokemon and I wanted to start a discussion for them. Here some of my ideas. If you have any idea or thoughts, please comment. A pokemon that is made of really hard glass or makes glass A pokemon that is based off of succulents Pokémon like Trevenant but alive with a few verities like an…
Could Pokemon be made in the 80s?
How many points until rank 4?
I am curious to know how many points I need until the next rank, and even beyond that
Whenever my pokemon with a heavy baton attatched are knocked out none of the energy cards appear on screen for me to drag down to my benched pokemon. Anyone else having this issue?
Guess how many shiny
Including duplicates, Guess how many Shiny Pokemon I have in total and counting.
Help getting Shiny Meltan from HOME
Hi. For the people that didn't know yet, but Pokémon HOME is giving away shiny legendary/mythical Pokémon for completing the pokedex for every switch game. To get the shiny Meltan, you have to complete the Pokedex of Lets Go Pikachu/Eevee. For this one I only need a Ekans and Koffing from Lets Go Eevee. Are there fans that…
Pokemon Mystery Dungeons Story 2 part 2
Chapter 2 - The Journeys Start Bella, Mesprit, and Snivy set off on their journey back to Breeze Town, "Hey Snivy! I've been wondering what your name is? Also how do you know your way around this forest so well?" Bella kept on asking questions, trying to get some answers while they both carried a barely conscious mesprit.…
Do you nickname your shinies?
I always wonder if you nickname some of yours too because I caught 2 of them, one of them is a Fletchling and one is a Shinx, for example. I nicknamed my Shinx Voltage and I also nicknamed my Fletchling Fries.
Can I use a Hacked Pokemon in a Tera raid?
I have a shiny kingdra 6 iv all best and all water moves. I see other people using hacked mons in raids. But I don't wanna be banned. (Scarlet)
Praise Be Armaldo
Praise be Armaldo. #0348, the Plate Pokémon and a rock/bug type. Praise be him, the prehistoric ancestor of modern day bug types and a truly powerful Pokémon.