just delete mewtwo please
The damn game is unplayable. Even a player on expert can do a 1 v 5 against 5players who are on ultra or higher. They just need to press one button repeatedly and that's it even if they nerf it by reducing the damage or reducing the attack speed when it mega evolves it's still going to be op because of the brain dead…
Without a doubt practice arena is broken on switch
UI menus are missing and some wierd icons show up. The game will freeze too if you start a session without selecting pokemon It's extremely obvious and you cannot miss this
Clefable DK Bug
Clefable's Draining Kiss is not activating properly. It often won't heal after hitting a target. I discovered this attempting to play Draining Kiss Clefable for its achievement. It is also very slow to activate and is often outpaced in combat. Moonlight should definitely be the move to use for Clefable's achievement!!!
Mewtwo Y invisible bug
Since the most recent update, whenever I play match with or against a Mewtwo Y with the martial art holowear they appear invisible ingame. This must be because I play Pokémon Unite without the extra data download that includes Pokémon holowear. However this issue only happens with Mewtwo Y specifically and never occurred…
Decidueye's survivability dropped since patch
I've noticed that ever since the patch where Decidueye's spirit shackle's bug was fixed that its survivability has gone down significantly. Without having made any changes to skills or equipment, I've noticed that even if you're ahead of someone in a fight that you can't take any actual hits any more. Previously you could…
New PFP please
This is a pretty minor thing to ask but having more pokemon PFP to choose from would be nice. I went to choose one and my boy, Buzzwole is no where to be found. Disrespecc but all will be forgiven once he's added lol.
Inteleon Snipe Shot Aimbot Bug
I was playing Inteleon in the new patch when I noticed that my Snipe Shots were aiming themselves at the same direction as a enemy. Further looking into this in the Practice Arena I noticed something. If you have more than one Snipe Shot and you charge it to max limit/max damage and remove control from the right…
Custom outfits (please add)
I have played this game for quite a long time but one thing I have seen for me is that I don't want to change my avatar because I can save the one I spent so much time and effort creating and I might not even remember how to create it later.
WCS Prediction Event Bug...
The WCS Prediction Event is not loading at all. I have restarted the game multiple times. Anyone else having this problem?
Pheromosa in Unite
We got one Ultra Beast, so why not add another? Pheromosa should be, of course, a speedster, and the fastest movement speed as Pheromosa are real fast. How she should fight is mostly kicking, like Tsareena, but with higher attack. And also faster movement speed. Her moves should focus on attacking then leaving, as we know…