I am looking for Magneton (old version), I have following to give:
Sorry I am playing in german: Giflor, Arkani, Quajutsu (Greninja?), Blitza, Zapplarang, Simsala, Machomai, Serpiroyal, Ramoth, Aquana, Raichu, Charizard I hope you understand the german names of the Pokemons.
1-3 diamond cards needed - All Genetic Apex
I've "functionally completed" Mystical Island now (2 of every card, functionally speaking. For instance, I have 1 regular Gyarados and one full-art Gyarados. But functionally, I have two of that card) All I need to do the same for Genetic Apex are the following 11 cards: ---Mewtwo Pack (2) Kingler Vaporeon ---Charizard…
I need Starmie EX, MaChamp EX, Gengar EX
I can trade Exeggutor EX, Arcanine EX, Pikachu EX, Marowak EX, Gyrados EX, Mew EX,
Still looking for Gyarados EX
I still need 2. I have the following to offer: Mewtwo EX, Charizard EX, Arcanine EX, Blastoise EX, Starmie EX, Marowak EX, Wigglytuff EX
Please, please open up trading for Space-Time
I am begging the devs to open trading for the Space-Time set. I have ripped so many packs and have not gotten what I want/need. I have a buddy who has pulled stuff I want, and I pulled stuff he wants. Please, I am begging you, please open trade up. It should have been open since day one of the new set.
Turbo Palkia is definitely S-tier
I've finally completed my idea for a Palkia EX + Manaphy deck and so far it every bit as good as I'd hoped. Here it is: 2x of every card- Palkia EX, Manaphy, Misty, Pokemon Communication, Giant Cape, Poke Ball, Professsor's Research, Potion, X-Speed, Leaf Use Pokemon Communication and X-Speed/Leaf to try and ensure that…
How would you rate the trading system? (Sentiment Gauge)
I think we as a community need to speak up about how garbage the trading system is. I havent seen a single person say they like it. All ive seen is complaints about how bad they screwed this up. Please vote on this poll so we can see what everyone thinks of the current trade system.
Trade for #4 Venusaur EX
All i need for my pokedex #4 Venusaur EX 9539669056974391 just let me know what you need ill see if i got it.
Need 5 more cards to complete A1
LF: #003 Venusaur, #022 Exeggutor, #055 Blastoise, #096 Pikachu EX, #123 Gengar EX if you got any of those, comment and ask what you want in return. :) ID: 9266-4076-0966-8445
Não consigo acessar minha conta na verção de celular usando a minha conta Nintendo
Eu cotumava jogar o Pokemon TCG Online, mas recentemente meus amigos começaram a jogar o Pokemon TCG Poket, e disseram que estão usando a mesma conta que usavam antigamente, mas eu não consigo acessar a minha pelo celular, no PC eu ate consegui usar a mesma conta, mas quando tento entrar pelo celular, e coloco "entrar com…