Worlds coin disappeared after update
So after my update my worlds coin from the Worlds 2022 decks changed to a Mega Mewtwo y coin for no reason at all. Will I have to do a support ticket to add the coin back ;-;
Pokemon Live Deck Testing Bug
When I was trying to test my new Torkoal deck before trading for all the cards I need, I got soft locked. The hand gets dealt and I'm not able to see the visuals of the cards in my hand, only the card backs. I can see the cards by hovering over them or inspecting them, but when I inspect the card it brings up a blank…
Lost Mine Glitch
During my turn, I used Lost Mine and placed 60 onto Dialga and 60 onto Pineco on the opponent's bench. The game then froze for a long period of time. It put the damage counter onto Pineco but didn't KO, and then after about a minute, it put the damage onto Dialga. On the next turn, Pineco was still not KO'd and was able to…
Bug with Cheryl + V-Union Pokémon
Cheryl treats V-Union as evolved Pokémon. Considering both Cheryl and Mewtwo V-Union are run in some Gardevoir ex builds, this bug could be easily exploited to gain an unfair advantage.
Comfey Card Selection Glitch
There is a major issue with Comfey LOR 79 where when using the Ability Flower Selecting, you cannot select one of the two cards. This is especially problematic as Lost Zone Toolbox with Comfey is the best and most played deck in the game right now.
(Gamebreaking) Cant fetch cards from deck - Unplayable
Hey, This bug appeared , with this latest update it is not possible to fetch cards from the deck , using ultra ball, quick, ball, or evoaroma for example, as the cards are blacked out and cannot be selected This happens only playing "Unraked" , in competive it appears to work UPDATE: The bug seems to persist also in…
*Feedback* View of Damage Counter blocked by Negative Effect Marker
Feedback The negative effect marker (upside down red triangle) is blocking the damage counter marker on my opponents active pokemon. I can't read how much damage my opponent has on them because the red triangle is in the way. Thank you. Have a nice day.
Single Strike Energy Damage Not Adding Up
I put 4 single strike energy on a Tyranitar V. Each one says it adds 20 damage to the pokemon's attacks it is attached to. I attacked with him attacked Single Strike Crush (240 damage move) against a Giratina V Star. My opponent had a Radiant Gardevoir on his bench whose ability reduces damage from your opponents pokemon V…
After almost every game my avatar's glasses become fully tinted
Happens most of the time, not sure what triggers it, since occasionally it doesn't happen. After every match I go into the avatar screen and change it the level of tint I want, and it keeps changing back after most matches.
boss's orders? wasted supporter.
sometimes i pick the card i wanna destroy to win the game and it glitches and leaves the card i was already facing wasting the supporter... has happened multiple time and its super annoying