21:9 Aspect Ratio Support
I was hoping this would be included with the full rollout, but can we get more resolution options that support 21:9 and other ultra-wide aspect ratios? Have a 2560x1080 monitor and would love to get rid of the black bars.
Application does not display correctly on Pixel Tablet
When I launch the game on the new Pixel Tablet, the layout is incorrect, causing only a part of the UI to be visible, rendering the game unusable.
VUNION glitched on IOS.
I don't know if it is the same on android too but on IOS whenever I try to get a VUNION to play the options go behind my discard pile making it hard to put into play.
has anyone found a fix for error 10097?
already tried everything i found online and i cant fix this :(
Gardevior is STILL bugged
Wanted to play some good ol' garde with mewtwo vunion, as it my personal favorite way to play gardevoir, but as I was attaching my energy onto mewtwo for the last attack for game the third energy I attached did the classic gardevior bug. You can tell you have the bug when u press "inspect board" and the cards start…
Lure module visual bug
Just a visual bug when I use lure module and biberal is on top it shows a blank white card. Probably doesn't matter unless its also on my opponents screen in which case could potentially matter if he/she wouldn't want me to have it they could judge/iono. However if they couldn't tell what card it was they might change…
Disappearing UI on PC
About half the time I swap to different tabs in the main menu, or when I get done with a game and return to the main menu, the main toolbar at the top of the UI disappears and I can't select anything that was on it. Anything to do besides restarting?
Elesa's sparkle with 4 fs energies in play
My opponent just played a elesa's sparkle from their hand event tho he had all 4 fusion strike energies in play. He should be allowed to do that.
Escape Rope bug
Has anyone else had the game bug when you play Escape Rope? My opponent didnt chose anything to promote, then the turn timed out and it passed my turn?! I have had this happen a couple of times now and it has genuinely lost me games. Very annoyed
No Valid Cards
I get this bug so commonly now that its uncommon for the game to work properly on both mobile and desktop. When i play a cards that allows me to get a cards from the deck I get greeted with a grey overlay and no cards to pick. How do i fix this? the previous tcg game didnt have any of these issues