Need Better Reward System For New Players
I just started playing the game even at tier 40(+premium pass) which I achieved in 2 weeks. But my credits are only 7k. I can't even make myself a single deck with this. Either reduce the cost of common cards(not illustrated cards for that you can make the card cost more). I want to make so many decks, but how will I play…
Game is still unplayable on pc.
Search cards dont work and only give a "no valid cards" message while showing your deck as greyed out siluettes of cards. Opponents avatar also bugs out and only shows the body with every customizable part showing as transparent. It has been this way since last time I tried the game on pc 8 months ago. How can you not fix…
Fehler 10099
Seit dem neuen Update vom 31. Oktober auf den 1. November zeigt es diesen Fehler Code 10099 an mit dem Hinweis es später noch einmal zu versuchen. Woran liegt es und was kann ich tun? Ich danke Ihnen im Voraus für Ihre Bemühungen und Ihre baldige Antwort. Freundliche Grüsse Florian Eugster
Error 10099
What is error 10099 ? Im from Czech republik.
Game doesn't loading
After the new update coming my game does not loading at all I tried several times but all in vain. For this issue I did not able to complete my daily quiz then did not get the rewards I want my comprehension from the game.
Error solution
You have to change the using same VPN regions I'm Japanese . Ican't speak and write Perfect English
Problem iphone 14 pro Max
App geht nicht
Any fix to Error 10099 after months??
Even after the most recent patch, I cannot start PTCGL on PC. It has been MONTHS and I cannot login - despite being told by support when I first encountered this issue that it was a known problem that would be fixed soon, and presumably issues that prevent a user from launching the game is a high-priority fix. Some…
Error 1009
Hello , im facing the 10099 error since the last updare of the day and cant log in what should i do please answear and thanks