lost score
I lost the match and my score -260. why ?
Corviknight Battle Deck Illegal??
I bought the CK battle deck for my son the other day, and I go to redeem it so we can play with it online, but the client says it's illegal. How in the world can they sell a deck that's not usable online?
I lost everything from then old one and it so frustrating.
New client is great
This new client is great. It's a hugely complex game, and what you have given us so far is quite impressing. Very well done! There will always be bugs and things to improve, and I'm sure you are handling the game as any other live service game, and just continually improving things week by week. It's heading in a good…
Buying single cards
How do we use our exchange credits to purchase single cards? I have a couple cards I would like to buy to finish a deck I am building but can't figure out how to accomplish this.
Increase time in action
The time in action is not enough to play
Ptcgo migration to ptcgl lost cards
I'm missing a lot of cards after migrating such as battle compressor, dimension valley and so on does anybody else suffer from this?
its misleading to call this a TCG game if trading is not an option. So does anyone know why they don’t have trading ?
Future Updates Question for Devs
Since the support of PTCG Online has ended would it right to assume that Live will have much more frequent and or higher quality updates moving forward? For example: Overhauls to the general art style and function of the game in response to the overwhelming criticism from TCG content creators and low rating scores on app…
Would it be worth it for me to spend 8000 credits to complete this battle pass before SV?
So I'm a bit late to the TCGL train, I just migrated a few days ago. I was able to use a bunch of my extra "junk" booster codes before migrating and ended up with the 12 400 crystals. I have played many games on here but found that it is not possible for me to get in that many levels on the battlepass before it expires. I…