I would also like to know what I should get if that set. Like build decks? Normal packs?
I came across someone who's name is [Edited by Mod_Bee - Please don't name people, naming is not allowed]. Is there anyway to report this account?
for local events*
I read my rulebook for PTCG but it did not include anything about discarding. Can I just discard cards on my turn if I want to?
Like Giovanni's Scheme adds 20 damage. Is that only once or for each energy when my attack does 30 damage per energy? Thank you for any help, I really need it! :)
I guess we all get the advance ticket but it says that we will see later. Do anyone have any info about this ?
Will special energy that says it can only be attached to a certain type of Pokemon be able to be attached to a colorless Pokemon? Like Speed Energy to a Pidgey? AND would it do it's special effect of draw 2 cards or just count as an energy?
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Surging Sparks released today (November 8th, 2024)! Get ready to discover new cards, including new Pokémon ex and even Stellar ones (like Pikachu ex, Alolan Exeggutor ex, and more)!