Trocar Inicias Pokémon 3DS
Como posso trocar os inicias para, por exemplo, um inicial do tipo Dragão em Pokémons de 3DS como Moon, Sun ou pelo menos XY?
Can you get aeos gems without paying IRL money?
Please if you know how to get please tell me!
what will you do if pokemon was real
everyones dream
I'm new and learning the game.
Is there a way to either play TCG live or somewhere else online, by myself, until I get more confident with the cards and play?
What is your favourite item from the new generation?
With every new generation there's always an item or two that breaks the online and makes really powerful pokemon even stronger. Was there ever an item, however you just fell in love with? speaking of items; we should get some berries now!
About the spawn of pokemon at pokestop
Hi, I realize that there are some pokestop that has no pokemon appear there but there are some with lot of pokemons around its, can I ask about the algorithm of the spawn and how can I improve the spawn of pokemon without using lure
Trainer's Battle Card
Why dose the image on the trainer card not update when our physical players outfit changes?? It would be nice for the player to at least update hourly minimum. Give players another reason to spice up their players outfits.
Strongest fighting Pokémon?
{Playhouse Grooming} In Gromming, the hair dryer looks like a basketball.
Hi, the hair dryer in Pokemon Playhouse Grooming looks like a basketball. Media: What a basketball looks like: What the hair dryer looks like: Hair dryer is on the left-hand side of the screen. It looks identical to a basketball (above).
Why are they shutting down Pokemon TV?
In case you didn't know, Pokemon TV will not be available to use as of March 28. Why are they doing this??? Pokemon TV is one of he best Pokemon apps in my opinion, and I have over 300 hours of Pokemon TV on my Nintendo Switch! I need an answer!!!