Best Of
Re: Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I can give you tyranitar for kabutops, added you1 -
Re: Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Ok, 3429149393825836 (Will)1 -
Re: Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I have Electivire and Ditto. I’m looking for: Mew, Mewtwo, Charizard and Gardevoir top haha1 -
Re: Pokemon Legends Z-A Wild Areas
After seeing the latest trailer, I'm curious to know what is Quasartico inc. is hiding.1 -
Re: Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@Dominik2496 I have a Hypno - do you have Heatran, Raichu or Shaymin (each from Triumphant Light)? I added you :)1 -
Re: Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I have rotom if you can trade for carnivine? Add me if yes1 -
Re: Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
i need these (1 star) cards from genetic apex expansion: ditto, gyarados, alakazam, slowpoke, meowth i can give you 1 of this card (1 star): Bulbasaur, gloom, pinsir, Charmander, rapidash, squirtel, …1 -
I hate ranked AI
I don't know why this feature even exist. I find fighting bots humiliating, a waste of time, and extremely dull. I would very much prefer waiting a whole minute and having a human opponent.1 -
Re: Redo "Send Thanks" to make it less toxic
this has been brought up before and the general consensus was that if “Thanks” became auto or forced then it loses its meaning, and the mechanic would be rendered moot. Instead of “thanks” you'd just…1