Card missing after trading
Somehow I was able to trade my cards and all of them disappeared. I traded one of my Froakie, and I had three I'm pretty sure, which is why I was able to trade it. But now, it shows I have none. You can see here in my deck I still have the card, but it's showing as not obtained and greyed out. There is no way you can…
When will the expanded ranked mode go back?
rn old cards are totaly useless, back in the days I loved playing expanded mode as an ranked match. Is there any info about bringing back this feature?
How do I restore my account?
I cleared the cache in settings. After logging in again I can't restore the profile. I don't have a nintendo profile and the email says there is no data
Z-A and Gen 10 cross gen?
Do you think that Z-A and Gen 10 will be cross gen. If so what will you think it will damage to the overall quality of the game. In my opinion, I think Z-A probably will release on the switch and a port for the Switch 2 will launch with with the switch game and that not much will be affected. I doubt Gen 10 would be cross…
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Link For TCGP Trading - MUCH EASIER
This site lets you list all the cards your looking for SO MUCH BETTER AND EASIER than all these forum posts. The more people that use it, the better the trading system will be!
LF: Vaporeon and Articuno EX - GEN APEX
What I Need: Vaporeon #80 / Articuno EX #84 all GEN APEX Let me know what you need! Cheers
Need Trade
Looking for: 3 diamond Magneton from Genetic Apex I can give you any 3 star diamond yow want. Player id: 5492758718884038
Looking for one star Lucario and Charizard EX
I have a bunch of different one stars to trade like Manaphy and have different exs to trade for Charizard like celebi ex, starmie ex, Darkrai ex, Palkia ex!
Report a bug
Hi, I experience a very sad bug! I have all emblems so far. Now when I play in the emblem-event, the "progressbar" is stuck at 5. I have 18 wins now. So I got the emblem for 1 win and the emblem for 5 wins. I have 19 wins now, but the "progressbar" is stuck at 5 wins!!