clasingla ✭✭✭✭✭
For your birthday in scarlet and violet do you get a special item or just a cutscene or something (In case you didn't know, if you interact with the nurse at the paldea pokemon centers, you get a celebration.) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed your birthday!
I’m pretty sure it just gives the chance for a Pokemon to have a special title only available on your birthday
that wasn’t my fault sometimes when things go through the approval process they get duplicated for some reason it has happened to way more people than just me
I was wondering if you would like to make a brakcert with me. I have been bored lately, and I want to do something interesting in the forums. Like you gigantamax megathread z discussion, (I forgot what It is called. Surely you know what i' talking about?) I want to have like a thing going that keeps the forums alive. I get that you are already doing that, but I would like to help. If you would like to work alone, that it totally fine.
020. February-
I was thinking we would make a poll of random pokemon, let people vote, and then have them battle in a bracket. That might already be done, but I have other ideas.
How can we get the community more active? I remember around this time last year the forums were more exciting and intriguing. Have I just gotten older and less interesting, have I lost my enthusiasm that I used to have.
016. February -
Hey, I don't know whether your gmail is a fake name or real name, but if it's your real full name please don't let it stay public.
010. February -
Hello there! I've been lurking in this forum rather inactively… I noticed your Pokemon Mystery Dungeon creation here, which I'm rather surprised to see! I'm surprised that PMD stuff exists here at all, and I'm glad to see you're keeping that flame alive here!
If you are interested, I would love to share my own PMD creations with you… I just gotta figure out a way to do so. Still, I hope your day has been good! Cheers!01. February-
I would be interested in seeing it, if you like me too. I always liked mystery dungeon stories rather official or fanmade and was one of the main reasons I started to write mine in the first place. If you do want to send it, I can easily make my email appear on my profile. Also good day to you too!
my pull rates have been pretty good for space time smackdown I’ve already pulled 2 alt art rotoms 1 2 star Cynthia 1 2 star mismagius and a 4 diamond infernape ex
030. January -
The last time I’ve seen this many people on the forum was when tcgl crashed I think
029. January -
The gym challenge story will be late. I have an infection on my arm, and I am also very busy. I will try to get it done by the end of next week. Sorry for the inconvenience
024. January -
Congratulations on being on forums for a year!
I was just wanting to tell you that the gym challenge story should be done by the end of the week. If not, please message me about it.
020. January -
clasingla earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.19. January
Hey @clasingla, I have 3 questions. 1 Is the gym challenge that I was assigned to write a story, or a brief highlight of the battle? 2 Who is the protagonist and what are their pokemon. 3 Do you want it in detail or just go strait thought the battle briefly explaining it. Please let me know. Also is there a due-date?
018. January-
- it is supposed to be a story
- the protaganist is arlo they have a shiny servine a shiny pawmi a litleo a duraladon and a manectric that can mega evolve
- it would be best to go in detail you can check what the others did to get an idea of how to write a gym battle there is not really a due date but i would probably be a good to not take too long
Rebe=german for vine
bLaCK SluDgE WilL sOOn COmE to coNsUMe yOU
also mystery dungeon story 2 is being written right now
015. January -
Chapter 1 - A Naive Awakaning
Chapter 2 - Mirage's Plan
Chapter 3 - Welcome To Breeze town
Chapter 4 - Team Hopefinders
Chapter 5 - Into Bright Grove
Chapter 6 - Cherubi's Revenge
Chapter 6.5 - Growlithe Decision
Chapter 7 - It Was Pecharunt?!
Chapter 8 - False Accusations
Chapter 9 - A Tropical Encounter
Chapter 9.5 - The Lake Trio Meeting
Chapter 10 - Through Memory Lake
Chapter 11- Uxie's Final Direction
Chapter 12 - Whole Hearted Memories
Chapter 13 - The Broken World
Chapter 14 - The Final Breeze
Chapter 15 - Where There Is Hope And Heartbreak
0December 2024