1999 Kangaskhan that if it was a 10 and graded would be worth $3200USD but it isn't graded and has a little wear, but in terms of something less theoretical: $200USD Gengar & Mimikyu GX
But those cheap ones (and even the expensive ones!) can be fake
it is almost certain everyone has a fake card because shops (even reputable ones) cant tell the difference or don't care
I mean me and my friends still traded fakes if they were good cards like my old Mega glalie EX It was obvious but still looked cool and was a good card
Mine would be the 2016 version of spiritomb it was one of my first cards, also I'm selling some cards so if you are looking for something let me know.
if extra energy is optional it should have a white "+" after the required energy like on Muk and Alolan Muk