can I play classic boss's orders?
I know that the boss's orders 019/034 is from the classic set, but is that true that I can't play it eventhouth it has the same name and description with the most recent boss's orders
can cornerstone mask ogerpon damage aesgislash ?
Egislash's ability prevents all damage done by a Pokémon Ex and V (such as Ogerpon), but Ogerpon can do damage to Ogerpon, although both have an ability that prevents damage from a Pokémon with an ability. if you are able to answer with the reason why, i would appreciate it
can cornerstone mask ogerpon ex and aesgislash, deal damage to each other?
ogerpon: 112/167 aegislash: 134/182 both of them have an ability that prevent all damage from attacks done to this Pokémon by your opponent's Pokémon that have an Ability or opponent's Pokémon ex and Pokémon V. respectively but also, both of them attacks aren't affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokémon. I…
Can Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex do damage to Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex?
it has an ability that prevents all damage from attacks done to this Pokémon by your opponent's Pokémon that have an Ability. but the attack mentions that it isn't affected by Weakness or Resistance, or by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokémon. so, can they do any damage to each other ?
If path to the peak is active, can I attack with slaking V?
Slaking V has the ability Kinda lazy wich says: If you have exactly 2,4 or 6 prize cards, this pokemon can't attack, and path to the peak says: pokemon with a rule box in play ( pokemon V, GX, etc) have no abilities. So, if path to the peak is active, and I have my slaking full with energy, Can I attack regardless the…