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If path to the peak is active, can I attack with slaking V?

Slaking V has the ability Kinda lazy wich says: If you have exactly 2,4 or 6 prize cards, this pokemon can't attack, and path to the peak says: pokemon with a rule box in play ( pokemon V, GX, etc) have no abilities. So, if path to the peak is active, and I have my slaking full with energy, Can I attack regardless the amount of price cards remaining?.

Ability: Kinda LazyIf you have exactly 2, 4, or 6 Prize cards remaining, this Pokémon can't attack.

CCCC Heavy Impact 260

Best Answer

  • CP500025
    CP500025 Member Posts: 1
    First Answer First Comment First Anniversary Photogenic
    #2 Answer ✓

    Yes, Slaking V's ability is disabled by Path To The Peak - this means that it is able to attack regardless of the amount of prize cards remaining, as the effect of the ability (restricting the attack) is no longer in place.