New favorite bug
Game comepletely resets for no reason, and the other player draws cards.... only way to get rid of it is to reset the app... also lose all progress for dailies
Either do your final attack or lose points.
Everytime I give players the option to get extra points by letting them get the final prize card, they like to sit around and do their entire deck before attacking - you can be that person, and I will conceed however remember that you lose points over it - it's not like you won some major victory - everybit of it is based…
This game is a disgrace
I played both this and the newer version, and while the newer version is full of RNG within it's combat, and is full of MTX's - AT LEAST IT RUNS GOOD. If I had a nickel each time I had to conceed or restart the app because of a bug in this game, I'm sure I would never have to work. The people who are in charge of this game…
Defiance Band bug
Was just in a match and it seems that defiance band isn't working as it's written, and is just giving 30 extra damage no matter what. You're supposed to have more prize cards then your opponent.
So it's been over a year...
When are you guys going to finish expanded? I feel like everytime I load up this app - It's the same as going over to my friends house to see he still hasn't cleaned his room - and now bugs are crawling everywhere.
When End?
Mute or block option
People who spam emotes, I can't focus when someone is spamming emotes like a jack russel terrier on the side of the screen. We had this option in Online, why was it removed?
Battle pass issue
After updating the game I got the battle pass for the new expansion, I collected both tiers at once in which I lost out on 5 of the 7 packs that game with the first tier because of a glitch. I've also seen a lot of graphical glitches when playing with cards appearing pure dark.
Update brings glitches
So far since the update I have experienced a lot of glitches just regular play. Some of them include: - quick ball giving me a supporter card - using pokegear gives me the supporter card, however my cards shuffle and are frozen on screen thus unusable. - using the metal transfer ability freezes the game after transfer. -…