Mew VMAX Bug - Any Reports from Mew Perspective?
I've read a lot of discussions relating to people vs Mew VMAX experiencing the current bug (myself included). However, I haven't seen anything from a Mew player's perspective yet. Are there any reports/sources?
XP Level Bug
I literally just hit level 13 and then closed the client. A few hours later I open it again and I'm almost level 14 without doing anything. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Hi Trainer! Thank you for sharing your feedback. I edited your post as posting images on the forum is not allowed. If you ever have images…
Card Search Bug
On one occasion I used Ultra Ball to search out a card. It pulled up the UI for searching for valid/all cards but didn't show any cards as per the screenshot. On two previous occasions when using Evolution Incense, I used the card but wasn't presented with the option of searching for an evolution Pokemon. It was as if I…
Mew VMAX Bug - My Experience
1. I was playing Lugia VSTAR, opponent was playing Mew VMAX. Casual Standard match, and my first match after opening the app. 2. First turn each, everything was working as intended. I could use Archeops engine and they could use Genesect engine. 3. I use Boss's Orders on the opponent's benched Genesect V with Forest Seal…
Tempest Dive - Stadium Discard Bug
Tempest Dive was used to discard Collapsed Stadium. The stadium card was discarded instantly, but the bench did not revert back to 5 spaces until much later into the opponents turn.
Shop Error
The "White Puffer Jacket with Scarf" (red/blue) have their shop icons mixed up. Blue icon shows red scarf and vice versa in the shop. Not game breaking stuff, but it's something else for the pile.