Chandelure Hyper offensive deck
Hi, I wanted to make a deck with this awesome card. The idea is pretty straight forward, overpower your opponent before they get to do anything! The deck consists of a 4-2-4 line of Litwick-Lampent-Chandelure from Twilight Masquerade as the main hitter, with 4x Rare candies to work with, obviously. The single energy cost…
Scizor Ex Deck
Pokémon: 10 1 Cleffa OBF 202 3 Scizor ex TEF 195 1 Scyther TEF 1 2 Metang TEF 114 PH 2 Beldum TEF 113 1 Mew ex PAF 232 1 Squawkabilly ex PAL 264 1 Scyther OBF 4 2 Scyther MEW 123 PH 1 Zacian PAR 136 Trainer: 21 1 Boss's Orders RCL 189 3 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TWM 223 1 Lost Vacuum LOR 217 2 Rigid Band MEW 165 2 Super Rod PAL…
Gengar/Pidgeot Ex Deck
Pokémon: 12 1 Haunter PAF 56 PH 2 Pidgey PAF 196 1 Pidgeotto PAF 197 2 Gastly PAF 55 PH 1 Gengar PAF 57 PH 2 Gastly TEF 177 1 Radiant Charizard CRZ 20 1 Haunter TEF 103 PH 3 Gengar ex TEF 193 2 Pidgeot ex PAF 221 1 Manaphy CRZ-GG 6 1 Cleffa OBF 202 Trainer: 20 1 Professor's Research CRZ 150 1 Lost Vacuum LOR 217 1 Earthen…
Can anyone make any improvements to this Mimikyu deck?
I just wanted to make a deck that can counter some (not all) powerful Ex/V decks running around. The Gengar line is there to give free retreat to all, and Radiant Tsareena can give heals. On occasions, do not put down Gastlys/Haunters/Gengars due to Boss's orders. Jirachi is just there for the ability. Mimikyu is clearly…
Arcanine Ex Deck (Uses Arcanine Promo card!)
Hi there! I have been using this Arcanine Ex deck lately, and it has been quite successful. Growlithe from SV Base set is really great to start off with as it has the useful Stoke attack which basically powers up all usable attacks in one turn. Therefore going second in the first turn is usually preferable. Chatot is there…