Arcanine Ex Deck (Uses Arcanine Promo card!)

Hi there!
I have been using this Arcanine Ex deck lately, and it has been quite successful. Growlithe from SV Base set is really great to start off with as it has the useful Stoke attack which basically powers up all usable attacks in one turn. Therefore going second in the first turn is usually preferable. Chatot is there to fill up the bench, and Mew Ex is a really splashable basic Pokémon that gives much needed draw support. Also it having free retreat is great, and therefore I prefer it over say Bidoof/Bibarel with the Industrious Incisors ability. Chi-Yu is a great single prize revenge killer, and can also power up benched Growlithe/Arcanine that desperately need energies. Victini from Temporal Forces can be useful in the early game to get out of tricky situations, simply put.
Interestingly enough, the deck runs 1x non-Ex Arcanine promo card from SV Base set as a way of hitting opposing Mimikyu, and also to have a single prize attacker that does not discard energies to deal decent damage. 3x Arcanine Ex will be the main attacker of the deck, however. It is usually preferable to evolve into one of the Ex Arcanine cards instead of the promo card, but having the option of a single prize attacker is nice. Arcanine Ex is a really solid card and well respected for having 2 different great attacks for different situations.
The deck runs lots of ways to recover energies from the discard pile due to the costly Bright Flame attack on Arcanine Ex which discards 2 energies. These cards include 2x Magma Basin, 2x Super rod, 2x Chi-Yu from Paradox Rift and 1x Mela. Having 12 energies in the deck is usually recommended even with all these tools to recover energies from the discard pile.
Other than that the deck list is quite balanced. It runs 2x Energy switch to work with the Magma basin stadium card, and 2x Switch because Growlithe/Arcanine have a costly retreat. I will finally say I actually like the card Nemona and think it is terribly underrated. Sometimes having extra cards with no downsides can actually be a lifesaver. Anyways, here is the deck list for anyone interested:
Pokémon: 7
4 Growlithe SVI 31
1 Victini TEF 30 PH
1 Chatot TEF 181
2 Mew ex PAF 216
2 Chi-Yu PR-SV 57
3 Arcanine ex SVI 224
1 Arcanine PR-SV 11
Trainer: 18
3 Nest Ball PAF 84 PH
3 Ultra Ball PAF 91 PH
1 Defiance Band SVI 169
1 Technical Machine: Devolution PAR 177 PH
2 Magma Basin BRS 185
3 Nemona PAF 229
2 Professor's Research SVI 190
3 Iono PAF 237
2 Switch SVI 194 PH
2 Super Rod PAL 276
2 Energy Switch SVI 173
1 Prime Catcher TEF 157
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
1 Mela PAR 254
1 Pal Pad SVI 182 PH
1 Jacq SVI 250
3 Arven PAF 235
1 Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178 PH
Energy: 1
12 Basic {R} Energy SVE 2 PH
Total Cards: 60
Thanks for having a look at this deck! Have a great day 😁