

  • Wait posting images on this forum is not allowed? What the heck? How do we demonstrate and illustrate the bugs that we find? I wonder if submitting the ticket is the only real way to document bugs. The forums might just be there for us to vent to one another.
  • Same. I'd rather have no glasses than to have on the wrong pair. Maybe one day when I'm in a green outfit and want green-framed sunglasses to match, I'll pull the trigger again, but not now.
  • There's a really good chance you disconnected. During those 10 minutes when you were playing a different game on console, did your opponent make a move? If not, your phone lost connection to either data or wifi. The sad news is if it loses connection, it won't necessarily re-establish that connection.
  • QUOTE: "I like the old screen at the end of the game where you could see your opponents deck list. Bringing back deck stats would be nice too." ~ Garden_grove666 I am not as bothered by the celebration screen, but am willing to die with you on the hill of wishing there was more post-game data!
  • Oh wow, it looks like the damage counter did register but it first healed all 180 of the damage it had before. That's so weird!
  • Yes, it has happened to me, too! It's so weird, right? I'm not bothered by it and it's definitely amusing.
  • @AnimeBandsOtaku This will be a difficult game to play if you cannot manage your frustration. Most TCGs have strict rulesets that usually takes some time to learn. All the terms on the card must be as precise as possible or it won't play right. I treat every game like a learning opportunity, so when something confuses me,…
  • @Robobert72 I seem to hear this a lot. I don't use a VPN at all and don't have any problems. You're right: it's a kids game, not darkweb, so you shouldn't need to use a VPN at all.
  • Now I wonder why they would do that: keep the name but just lowercase it. If 'ex' is not the same mechanic as 'EX' they should have just come up with a different suffix or prefix entirely. Why risk the confusion? That was not a good decision.
  • Wow thank you for such a clear explanation. I don't know why Pokemon doesn't sell a more advanced rulebook so players like me don't have to stumble through the finer points and get frustrated. For example, I felt waves of guilt the day I thought I took advantage of a bug in LIVE that allowed me to use Brave Blade once per…