

  • @Lambalazar Thanks for your suggestion, I tried it and unfortunately it didn't fix the problem for me.
  • If someone want's to concede let them concede, why do you care how much battle pass XP another player gets? just take the W and get into another game. I've actually got more of an issue with people NOT conceding when they are clearly going to lose on the next term, wasting my time playing supporters, attaching energy's…
  • Literally makes no sense as a deck is made up of 60 cards and there are so many different variations of 'meta' decks. How can you possibly implement this? I don't enjoy playing against Lugia decks but the more you play against it, the more you can start to build decks that counter it. It's all part of the fun which you…
  • It's a punishment for playing Comfey and making me sit through an endless cycle of 'flower selecting' only for you to deck out and wonder why. Just kidding, but yes this does seem to be an issue for a few people. I only have my Radiant Greninja in the deck for energy discarding, I've never actually used it to attack so…
  • Are you using versions of cards that are now out of rotation?
  • Thank you, I did receive another reply and I now understand there is no leaderboard yet. This would be more obvious if the whole infrastructure wasn't so confusing (especially for a relatively new player) I look forward to a leaderboard being implemented in the future. It was more the utter disregard of my issue in their…
  • Same happens on windows it's been that way since the release. Only work around is obviously to relog. Hoping they'll fix it soon
  • This is happening to me but it seems to be down to the timer.. I literally have 2 seconds to make a choice before it times out