SpiderX36068185 i dont know for sure. i know that how it was in swsh. and i dont wanna risk it.
probably pidove.
why was centiskorch not in scarlet and violet despite being litterly the best design from swsh? simply put. gamefreak want you to buy swsh if you love those pokemons
not so happy with the fact its only in lumoise. i dont know how it will work with catching different pokemon. i can only guess that you will have a huge city and you they will hide in plain sight. but for me it seems like this game not gonna be even remotly like arceus. almost like you cant really call it a legends game.…
i wanted to get into competitive as well but then i realized. if my connection gets lost during a battle i'm banned forever. and i dont wanna risk it. that happend to me alot during tera raids and i have a great internet connection with fibre wires and all
for some reason i cant post my commend. i had a really detailed comment.
i actually have the same problem. but i've read that you dont need those 2 despite that they had entries. i have no idea where i can get those 2 pokemon
maybe because you are a casual and not interested in challanges. i am a challange and completionist which is why i buy both versions. but only for games that i love. i also have switch lite besides my main switch oled because i prefer the lite on handhandled mode. which also gives me the ability to complete any pokedex of…