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having both versions of a pokemon game on switch is really great

because you can have one version with all your pokemon, breed,shiny hunting,competitve, etc. and the other one can be used for challanges. lets say i want to start an all dragon/ghost/bug whatever playthrough. i breed all the pokemon i want on the team on my main game and on the second one every time i want to start a new challange i can start a new game without worrying that i will lose all my pokemons.

i do it with BDSP. my main game is pearl and on daimond i do challanges. and also i love it when one game is phisical and the other one is digital so i dont need to constantly switch cardtiges.

obviously its all thanks to pokemon home. if home dident existed you would need 2 consoles.

the only problem i have is that i have no idea how to stream my challanges and i need to buy all what handle it


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Multiple save files has been a standard feature for most home console games since the 90s. The games on the original Game Boy, when the cartridges had memory measured in kilobits and megabits (not even bytes, bits), might have had an excuse for one save file. There is no excuse today.

    The only reason Pokémon gets away with selling two versions of the same game is because that is what it has always done. And people keep buying both.

    I believe the Switch lets you have multiple saves for one cartridge across multiple accounts, so you could potentially use that for multiple playthroughs instead.

    There is no technical limitation that would restrict you transferring Pokémon between save files stored on the same Switch. I think they would rather just charge you to use Home and store the miniscule amount of data Pokémon take up on their servers.

    There was no reason Bank couldn't use the 3DS's internal memory to store and transfer Pokémon between 3DS cartridges, and the same is true for the Switch and Home.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Bro I'mma have to disagree with this post. I ain't dropping 120 bucks on two versions of the same game.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I think the 8 accounts thing on switch is really useful, since it means I can reset and redo the game as many times as I want if I have one or two accounts specifically for replays. Also one for just character customisation in SV where I never make it past choosing my name and look since SV lets you customise your character a lot before beginning the game. And another if I want to play the game in a different language. And then another for challenges. I don't have all of these though. Much better than having to buy 50 copies of the same game because I don't want to restart my main save file or nuzlocke or other playthrough or other playthrough or other playthrough.

    Also yeah needing at least two consoles to trade and have certain Pokémon or other things is annoying. Especially when playing older games. Did you know Eevee can't be found in RSE?

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Why did I get flagged this time?

  • HisuianSliggo
    HisuianSliggo Member Posts: 13
    Name Dropper First Comment

    maybe because you are a casual and not interested in challanges. i am a challange and completionist which is why i buy both versions. but only for games that i love. i also have switch lite besides my main switch oled because i prefer the lite on handhandled mode. which also gives me the ability to complete any pokedex of any pokemon game i own without seeking for trades online. i mean yeah if a pokemon game is new its easy to find trade. but after years its impossible. not to mention the fact that you also need the trader to return the pokemon to you and if its a stranger he can always steal the pokemon you traded to him.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,813 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @HisuianSliggo Yeah, I guess I see what you're saying, and one day I would like to do nuzlockes and stuff, but then I can just use a different profile on my Switch. I get the part about completion of the game, but most of the time when a new game comes out I make sure to buy the other version of the one my best friend is planning on getting so we can trade for all the mons we don't have.