@TechHog from a business standpoint yes higher demand does decrease prices. This is because if there is high demand for a product by customers that is offered by multiple businesses, each of those businesses will try and compete on price to make sure they have the lowest selling price on the product. Customers are…
@TechHog sure you can buy expanded cards for IRL play like battle compressor or double dragon energy but they are currently extortionately expensive arguably because a) they are hard to find and b) there is a high demand for it within the community that want to play expanded. Double Dragon energy is around USD$10 a card so…
@Jadite Yeah lets hope so! 3,000+ cards is alot I agree. After all expanded format in TCGL is the only piece of the game that is still in "Beta" so I hope they are still working on the playability of expanded!
Expanded Black and White and XY support must come into affect at some point. Many and I mean MANY people want this support in the game.
@TechHog Has it ever rotated before?
Hey man, I share your pain. I get where you are coming from. I want the same thing too. Good things come to those who wait. Trust the process. I'm a bit worried about wether expanded may rotate soon and exclude all BW+XY cards to make it SM onwards. Then TPCI will be like,"It's been like this the entire time. Move on." But…
GLC is a must have wether it’s just friendly battles with friends or actually implementing a competitive ladder game mode for GLC. Either way expanded format will have to be added for GLC as well as Expanded friend battles.
@TechHog yes I mean to optimise the game so it’s playable on devices that are slightly older. I agree it is difficult to make it run on EVERYTHING. I’m just aware some people are not made of money.
@Hey_PIKMIN it depends. If you want to play standard format then fine. If you want to play expanded format then no. This game isnt truly functioning like the old client you used to play. Not saying that the player base has not already given this game enough time to improve, but just wait. I'm sure they are cooking…
@AoTF that would be cool