This is the current Pokemon community. Full of toxic personalities with no common sense at all.
I uninstalled the game (and have not played in about a month). I only came here to see if any Win7 users made it work. Looks like I'm not playing forever.
Pokemon TCG Live is a poorly designed game. Everything about it is poorly programed (and I don't even need to exaggerate to prove my point). There's so much "Bad Game Design" that you could make an entire movie about how bad this game is designed. Hey, lets reward players for conceding. We'll give them a "Revenge Concede…
Admin of these forums? Anyways, I think most people have given up at this point. They've contacted customer support, and got the usual = "zero results". . At this point, we've tried everything except buy a new computer to test it out.
Doesn't work for me too.
So, how do you contact the developer team to fix this "game breaking bug"? Should I call customer support pretending my "credit card" was charged (but not really charged) and I am stuck at "Loading data from server 7/40" to get help in giving them all my hard earned money? How can I give them my money (I'm sure money will…
Thanks for the reply. I wonder how long till they patch the fix to the patch for windows 7 users?