All I'm saying is that it should be on other platforms. As far specs go my computer more then capable aside from the OS needing to be win 10 or above. And my pc is more then enough for win 10.
@TechHog All I'm saying is that it should be on other platforms. And my pc isn't an issue aside from me not not wanting to update to windows 10
web translators are more then good these days it really wasn't an issue to read it.
@TechHog win 10 is still a bit cringe although I think they've fixed a lot of issues since its early release but yea I'm still bit spooked from those first few months of its original release it was so bad back then and those constant updates made it unusable. which why I went back to win 7. I'll probably upgrade to 10 at…
@TechHog I fully understand that the game is a train wreck full of bugs, glitches and loading errors. Also I never said that it was a good idea, realistically its a terrible idea because the game is far from being finished. but if the devs are gonna pretend the game is out of beta and "fully released" then they should have…
that was a grammatical disaster sorry about.
@TechHog I've tried using win and 8 & 10 a long time ago and I didn't like using them so I just stayed with win 7, purely a personally choice like how some people still only win xp. but the devs could have kept win 7 & 8 support until the end of the year they really didn't need to drop win 7 or 8 support this early.…
I meant to not post this one this sorry, because it wasn't as revised as I otherwise would have wanted it to be please ignore this one my bad.